
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Eight Months Old

Evie is 8 months old!! To be honest it is seriously hard to come to terms with her being 8 months already. She has the sweetest personality and everyone who meets her immediately falls in love with her. One of the ladies who has her at school absolutely loves her. Everyday we pick her up she just goes on and on about how sweet she is. That makes this momma smile!:)

This past month has been one that we are really ready to forget. We have had more sickness between the 3 of us then anyone should have in a year. Seriously! Evie started daycare at the beginning of this month and was sick after the second day she was there. She brought home the lovely stomach bug. Two days later I got it and two hours later Gray got it! Gray and I weren't sure how we were going to function. It is one thing to be sick, but a whole other issue when you have a baby to still take care of. I am sure you momma's out there can relate! A week later Evie had a cold where she had a little fever and a runny nose. We kept her home all weekend and she seemed to be better. Three days later I got the flu and was down for the count.  All I can say is thank the good lord for the husband he gave me! He was so great taking care of Evie and myself. Love that man! That weekend Evie was starting to run a fever again and finally Sunday of last weekend we had to take her to the doctor because she was pitiful. Thankfully she did not have the flu, but she did have an ear infection.  Gray managed to avoid the flu(for now), but did end up with a nasty cold. Please pray that our family can avoid any sickness for a long time!!!

Since we did have to take Evie to the doctor we found out that she weighs 19 pounds! She is wearing all 9 month clothes and still size 2 diapers. We just noticed that Evie has two more teeth coming in so she now has four! She is still on the same eating schedule, but hasn't been finishing all her bottles lately. I think she is ready for more solids and less formula. She is going through a phase where she is only wanting her fruits and no veggies. It has not been fun at dinner time trying to get her to eat those veggies. We can usually get her to eat about half of it and we finish off dinner with a fruit. She usually has puffs for desert!:) Hopefully this is just a phase with not wanting vegetables. She might be like her momma and not like many veggies...oops!

Evie is constantly on the move! She LOVES to be on the floor with all of her toys and once she gets tired of those she will start scooting all over the place. She hasn't started crawling on her knees yet, but she does have the army crawl mastered. A few weeks ago we had to lower the crib because she was starting to pull up! We didn't want to take any chances with that! My baby is seriously growing up too fast!!!

Evie is the light of our lives and we just love her more and more every day! We are so thankful and blessed that the Lord choose us to be her parents!


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