
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Beach and Babies

Evie is now 11 months old... Yep! We are only one month away from her big birthday. Time is flying now!! This past weekend we went to the beach with some friends and Evie's BFF, Katelyn. My friend Meredith invited us to go to Wild Dunes because they have a house there and it wasn't being rented for the weekend so we definitely took her up on the offer. We all had such a great time relaxing and watching the babies interact! Katelyn is 6 days older than Evie so we love getting them together to play. Thanks Meredith and Paul for the wonderful hospitality and a great mini vacation!
We decided to give all the babies a bath together. I was a nervous wreck because of course Evie was slipping and sliding all over the place. My child can't be still! Needless to say the bath didn't last long!

Saturday morning we decided to go out to the beach after the babies had their nap. Evie was enjoying it and of course had to have her first taste of SAND. She then started putting handfuls in her mouth. We had to constantly tell her no! Thankfully she eventually stopped because I gave her some cheerios!  We were only able to stay out there about an hour, but we did manage to get some sun!:)

Saturday evening we came back out on the beach to snap a few family photos. It was quite comical to try and get the babies to look at the camera. We took turns taking pictures of each other hoping to get some good ones. After the 600 pictures that Paul and Meredith took of their family and ours we did manage to get a few good ones!:)

Love this girl and our friendship...look forward to watching our girls grow up together!

This is one of my favorites from the weekend. Meredith and I discovered that the girls had the same outfit so OF COURSE we both brought the outfit and just had to take some pics. Could they be any cuter?!:)

My beautiful, blue-eyed 11 month old. I can't even begin to describe how much I love this little girl. So incredibly thankful for this blessing!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Evie's first Easter

Evie's first Easter basket
Picnic play set
Bath toys

She wouldn't look at the camera
so this was the best I could get.

Absolutely in love with this picture.
She DID NOT like sitting in the grass and
I think it was a little too bright for her.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Three Amazing Years

Three years of wedding bliss! I couldn't imagine going through life without Gray. He is my right hand and such a wonderful husband. I am blessed beyond belief that God chose this man to be my husband! I am one lucky girl! Happy Anniversary to my sweet husband!


Monday, April 7, 2014

10 Months Old

Evie is 10 months old and into EVERYTHING! She is on the go non-stop and she isn't even walking yet. Time is flying and she will be ONE in less than 2 months. I am loving this age though...She is so fun to watch and play with. She laughs at everything and is just so sweet. She will smile at anyone and waves bye when we say "bye-bye". She waves both forward and backwards. Every day she seems to do something different or new.  She is constantly crawling all over the house and she loves to pull up on the furniture. She thinks it is the funniest thing when you stand behind the couch and lean over it while she is on the other side. We recently re-did our kitchen floor and Evie loves to crawl to it. She, of course, has fallen back on her head a couple times, which is so scary, but I know it's the first of many. Our kitchen is open into our living room so unfortunately we can't put a gate up to keep her out of there.
Evie is a growing girl. She weighs about 20 pounds now and is wearing 9-12 month clothes. She finally moved up to size 3 diapers! I am looking forward to the warmer weather because she has some cute spring clothes and I love seeing her little legs. She is still on the same feeding schedule and we have recently started giving her a lot of different foods other than baby food. She still eats baby fruits, but has other foods for dinner. Evie has had chicken, biscuits, bananas, pancakes, watermelon, squash, sweet potatoes and pasta. She wasn't crazy about the squash, but hopefully when we try it again she will eat it.
We unfortunately haven't been able to avoid the sickness around our house. Evie is just getting over her third and hopefully last ear infection. Until this weekend she has been sick every other weekend. Her ear infections cause her to throw up because of all the drainage they cause and she doesn't eat much at all. We can usually tell when she is getting another ear infection because she starts coughing and has a runny nose. We're hoping to not see these symptoms for a while!
Evie is "talking" all the time. She of course says "da-da" and "ma-ma". She just starting saying "geee"...whatever that means :). It is so cute to hear her babbling. We always talk back to her. She has quickly learned the meaning of "no" because of everything she is getting into that she shouldn't be. The minute we say "no Evie" she turns around and looks right at us.
I know I say this all the time but it is seriously hard to believe that Evie is already 10 months old. I am hoping these next two months slow down so I can enjoy my "baby" a little longer! I continue to count my blessings every minute of the day because of my sweet girl. She is so, so amazing and I can't imagine my life any different!